Thornewood: Veronica

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Reader Reviews

I could not put it down, finished it in one night and want to know when the next book will be published. Better be soon!
Well written with just the right amount of wonderful descriptions and leave enough to the imagination. Characters come to life and jump off the page. It might feel familiar, but it is a fresh take on a beloved genre. Can't wait for more from this author!


I finished this book faster than I have finished any in a long time, because I simply did not want to put it down.
It is the perfect mix of well thought out characters and just enough twists to keep the story moving nicely, but not so many that you get confused. It is a great read, and a wonderful length so that you feel satisfied, but not bogged down in a 3 month reading commitment.
I absolutely can't wait for the next book!

Eboni, AUS

A very accomplished debut that will delight fans of Urban Fantasy, YA and Horror. Karen has created a vivid town of characters, and sets them up against an underworld seething at their doorsteps. If Buffy and The Vampire Diaries are your jam, you will eat this up.

Vanessa, AUS

Kaz described it as a romance novel, but it’s so much more than that. The characters are likeable and well rounded. The structure of the story is great and well paced, leaves you wanting to read it all in one sitting (which I did).
Needless to say I can’t wait to read the next instalment of Thornewood as soon as it’s ready.
If you like sassy YA novels with a dark twist, please give it a try. You won’t be disappointed. (Click for full review)

C. Cobley, UK

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Since having my second child 18 months ago, I have attempted to read various books but never had the time or energy to get through a full book. Thornewood:Veronica is the first book I’ve managed to read from start to finish, because I simply couldn’t put it down! The story is engaging and exciting and I really became invested in the characters. I can’t wait for the next book!

Carina, AUS

Once I started it was impossible to put it down! Although you can settle into this book with familiarity, you definitely cannot say it is predictable. It is well written, exciting and addictive. I cannot wait to see what is next to come from Karen Harris.

Elizabeth, AUS

So good! I was very quickly engrossed in this world and managed to read it much quicker than usual! Highly recommend.

Jess, USA

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